Your Data in SynthGrid

In SynthGrid, the following apply to your data:

  1. All of your data lives exclusively on your business’s isolated SynthGrid.
  2. Your data is not co-located with any other clients and is only accessible by your business and MindFront1.
  3. MindFront will NOT train any AI or Machine Learning systems based on your user data.
  4. MindFront will not share, distribute or sell any of your data.
  5. MindFront will never use your data without your explicit written permission, which is not granted by default by any of our agreements.

MindFront offers an optional opt-in bug-reporting system, which is disabled by default.

Data Usage in the provided LLMs:

Data is only shared with LLM providers as required by the terms of their API. Your business will be able to determine and/or choose the data policy you require from our range of upstream LLM providers. Below are some links for relevant data policies for major providers:

OpenAI Enterprise Data Policy

Anthropic may retain some of your data based on their commercial terms.

A zero-retention policy is available via their support channels, and MindFront will assist with engagement with Anthropic to enable this for your business.

Data Providers and Regional Boundaries

Your SynthGrid can be configured to use any of the OpenAI Azure deployments, which can assist in compliance with regional and/or geographic data boundary requirements.

SynthGrid additionally supports a fully offline deployments with dedicated LLM hardware for the highest level of data security.

  1. If you have ultra-sensitive data or highly-specific requirements, MindFront can also offer a deployment mode in which MindFront does not have any access to your business’s data at all. ↩︎