
Presented here are a few of our articles - longer form, high-quality writings on the state of technology, business, risks, and challenges. These serve as a collection of our company thoughts, and are entirely written by human experts at Mindfront.

These articles are not promotional in nature - while they may reference SynthGrid and MindFront, they primarily exist to capture the joys of writing and sharing of information, although with some of the value in our thoughts from the forefront of real-world AI implementation.

Articles will be added from time-to-time when we have something worthwhile to write about. These are hosted here rather than Medium or some other platform, because nag screens are annoying, and quality of readership far exceeds quantity of readership.

Comments on these articles can be sent in to 💌@🤖.kz. This is a real email address.

Article List

An Evolving Sixth Sense - Expert intuition ‘knows’ when it’s AI.